Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

If you haven't heard about Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality yet, you're missing out. Whether you love or hate the original Harry Potter storyline (or writing style), you'll probably get a kick out of this truly imaginative reworking of the concept.

From Harry being adopted by a woman smart enough not to marry Vernon Dursley ("Honestly, who would name their child Dudley Dursley??") to Draco Malfoy being recruited for the forces of good, this piece is one that will pull you in.. and teach you.

I'm not giving lip service here - this book is a genuine (as far as I can tell, anyway) attempt to infuse a rational method of thought, founded in scientific method and critical thinking.

Give it a read, see if you like it too: Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality


Lilja said…
I would love to see what a kid would have to say about this book. I wonder if they would understand it or what it was trying to teach them. Children are irrational beings, so bringing them some rationality like that possibly after reading the original book would be priceless. For me anyway.