*Spits Coffee*
So I read about this on Fark.com and had to share it - Planned Parenthood is pushing a site called TakeCareDownThere.com to educate teens about the hazards of sex, etc... so naturally, I had to check it out!
My second indication that something was about to go terribly wrong (the first being the URL) was the reaction my browser had on visiting the page -

I run the FlashBlock addon within the Firefox browser, on the "Super-Paranoid OMG They're Out to Get Me!" setting, which tends to make websites burp a little if they're heavy on the Flash animations - but never once has my browser said "Ooopsy dooopsy" to me.
And I hope it never does again.
After re-enabling Flash (and javascript, courtesy NoScript), I was presented with an introductory movie explaining the premise of the site - as illustrated by one girl dropping trou and asking three others to tell her if they saw anything "down there".
Shortly after this, a pervy guy with a poorly-tied necktie shows up and wraps one arm around the original girl and the other around the token Ethnic female - and regales them about safe sex; When asked "Who are you?", the man simply smiles lecherously at our Ethnic lass...
Yes, boys and girls, the cars of the train just lurched a little bit - hang in there, we will derail shortly.
Here's a pic of the "leeetle gurrrls" look I'm talking about... notice that EVERYONE except skeever is uncomfortable:

If I weren't such a callous bastard, I would probably be up in arms howling for the site to come down... as it is, I think this is freaking HILARIOUS!
You can't really see it clearly in this pic, so here's a larger shot of one of the items on the right nav bar...
Turns out, they're talking about Human papillomavirus - the leading cause of cervical cancer, but it still made me laugh. Penis.
There're a few other titles on the page - Bring your sister, I didn't spew, Hot & Heavy, Let me do me, Threesome, and the Down There Song - which pretty much make this *sound* like the most awesome site evar (!!!1!), but it turns out to be just racy enough to make the hardcore conservatives sweat a little... funny how they're oblivious to their daughters being passed around like the only joint at a college party when they shout that THIS promotes promiscuity. (Penis.)
BUT. If you actually manage to stick around long enough to check out the Down There Song... well.. I'm just going to post a screenshot of the video, and make you check it out yourselves.

So how many of you out there call your *ahem* manhood a "Sloppy Slappilow".. your Man card is officially revoked, effective immediately. Turn it in, or we will come and get it.
...Harry Manilow...
So I read about this on Fark.com and had to share it - Planned Parenthood is pushing a site called TakeCareDownThere.com to educate teens about the hazards of sex, etc... so naturally, I had to check it out!
My second indication that something was about to go terribly wrong (the first being the URL) was the reaction my browser had on visiting the page -

I run the FlashBlock addon within the Firefox browser, on the "Super-Paranoid OMG They're Out to Get Me!" setting, which tends to make websites burp a little if they're heavy on the Flash animations - but never once has my browser said "Ooopsy dooopsy" to me.
And I hope it never does again.
After re-enabling Flash (and javascript, courtesy NoScript), I was presented with an introductory movie explaining the premise of the site - as illustrated by one girl dropping trou and asking three others to tell her if they saw anything "down there".
Shortly after this, a pervy guy with a poorly-tied necktie shows up and wraps one arm around the original girl and the other around the token Ethnic female - and regales them about safe sex; When asked "Who are you?", the man simply smiles lecherously at our Ethnic lass...
Yes, boys and girls, the cars of the train just lurched a little bit - hang in there, we will derail shortly.
Here's a pic of the "leeetle gurrrls" look I'm talking about... notice that EVERYONE except skeever is uncomfortable:

If I weren't such a callous bastard, I would probably be up in arms howling for the site to come down... as it is, I think this is freaking HILARIOUS!
You can't really see it clearly in this pic, so here's a larger shot of one of the items on the right nav bar...
Turns out, they're talking about Human papillomavirus - the leading cause of cervical cancer, but it still made me laugh. Penis.
There're a few other titles on the page - Bring your sister, I didn't spew, Hot & Heavy, Let me do me, Threesome, and the Down There Song - which pretty much make this *sound* like the most awesome site evar (!!!1!), but it turns out to be just racy enough to make the hardcore conservatives sweat a little... funny how they're oblivious to their daughters being passed around like the only joint at a college party when they shout that THIS promotes promiscuity. (Penis.)
BUT. If you actually manage to stick around long enough to check out the Down There Song... well.. I'm just going to post a screenshot of the video, and make you check it out yourselves.

So how many of you out there call your *ahem* manhood a "Sloppy Slappilow".. your Man card is officially revoked, effective immediately. Turn it in, or we will come and get it.
...Harry Manilow...