Warning : Many Links
So redditers (those denizens of Reddit.com, purveyors of fine links) have gotten themselves pwnt.. at least those that commented on this page. The author of the article just might have been Rudis Muiznieks, the registered owner of the domain netauthority.org.
I'll admit, Rudis did a good job on the NA site - the Internet Acceptable Use Policy is particularly frightening, were it for real.
But it's not, as evidenced by this Google Search on Rudis, which produced a link to rudism.com, where the author invites you to view his comics page.
Clicking the link draws you to cetic.com - a wickedly funny webcomic. Here's a first example of the product of a demented mind - Secret Suicide. The comic that has me convinced that it's the same guy, and that he's having us on is this one - Prayer Failure (though Vocations came in close second by making me violate Rule #1)
Nice Jorb, Rudis.
So redditers (those denizens of Reddit.com, purveyors of fine links) have gotten themselves pwnt.. at least those that commented on this page. The author of the article just might have been Rudis Muiznieks, the registered owner of the domain netauthority.org.
I'll admit, Rudis did a good job on the NA site - the Internet Acceptable Use Policy is particularly frightening, were it for real.
But it's not, as evidenced by this Google Search on Rudis, which produced a link to rudism.com, where the author invites you to view his comics page.
Clicking the link draws you to cetic.com - a wickedly funny webcomic. Here's a first example of the product of a demented mind - Secret Suicide. The comic that has me convinced that it's the same guy, and that he's having us on is this one - Prayer Failure (though Vocations came in close second by making me violate Rule #1)
Nice Jorb, Rudis.